Your New Work Destination – Work From Howard

Our lives took a 360-degree turn when the pandemic hit us and our dictionary was not spared. New terms were introduced to our diverse set of lingo, such as ‘WFH’, ’covexit’, ‘zoombombing’, etc.

Where once it was a dream to work from home has now become a nightmare reality.

The imposition of lockdown had a negative impact on individuals stuck at home. Not having an outlet of any kind, people found it increasingly difficult to juggle the family, work & self-balance.

This wasn’t all, the hotel industry faced a devastating impact, with no one to cater to, and the industry was left with a gaping hole to fill. But all things come to an end, and so did this bad streak of luck – with a fresh start, hotels began taking a twist on the new normal. Where travelling was restricted people started to travel within their hometowns calling vacations – ‘staycations’.

Work From Home (WFH), which has become a sad reality for many, became a super boring routine that needed some fresh perspective. This is where Howard Hotels comes to save the day, we bring to you Work From Howard – the fun WFH. A creative solution for your mundane routine to bring more ease to you and your work.

You must be wondering how is this any different from normal WFH?

When at home – a thousand chores & house responsibilities crop up, along with the inevitable distraction from family members. Most homes don’t even have a workspace or the calm environment you need to work.

Howard Hotels offers specially curated WFH (Work From Howard) packages that bring to you an alternative working environment. Enjoy your workday at peace with essential amenities such as the comfort of a workstation, fast WiFi, and a delectable menu with a selection of tasty dishes and more.

No need to worry about making the bed, cleaning the kitchen, or any other disturbance. Enjoy a workday of peace!

Once your workday ends, take a break from your screen to enjoy the serene views, and tranquil surroundings in peace. Imagine sipping hot coffee and gazing out the window looking at the picturesque view.

Howard Hotels has a collection of exquisite boutique properties at prime locations, and experience the best workday you’ve had in a long time.

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